OceanWise Raster Charts

Folio: “Magellan Strait, Cape Horn, Patagonian Channels and The Antarctic Peninsula”

OceanWise Raster Charts

Folio: “Magellan Strait, Cape Horn, Patagonian Channels and The Antarctic Peninsula”

 This marine chart folio is sourced from leading hydrographic offices. When you need intelligent marine and coastal mapping that is fit for purpose, in the right format, accurate and up to date, we have a comprehensive range of marine products and services to help you.

OceanWise Raster Charts

Folio: “Magellan Strait, Cape Horn, Patagonian Channels and The Antarctic Peninsula”

This folio contains 34 items. Click on an ID link to explore a folio entry.

ID Title Scale
0225Joinville Island to Cape Ducorps and Church Point1:150,000
0226Deception Island1:50,000
0227Church Point to Cape Longing including James Ross Island1:150,000
0445Lemaire Channel1:35,000
0446Anvers Island to Renaud Island1:150,000
0447Pendleton Strait and Grandidier Channel1:150,000
0448Pendleton Strait to Harrison Passage1:50,000
0449Elephant Island and Approaches1:200,000
0450Crystal Sound to Pendleton Strait1:75,000
0451Grandidier Channel1:75,000
1332Isla de los Estados and Estrecho de le Maire1:125,000
1740Bond Point to Brunow Bay1:35,000
1775South Orkney Islands1:200,000
1776Livingston Island to King George Island1:200,000
1779Approaches to Signy Island1:50,000
2974Adelaide Island to Neny Fjord1:150,000
2975Matha Strait to Larrouy Island1:150,000
3205South Shetland Islands and Bransfield Strait1:500,000
3206Gerlache Strait to Orleans Strait1:50,000
3207Gerlache Strait Bluff Island to Emma Island1:50,000
3208Plans in Antarctic Sound1:25,000
3209Plans in Erebus and Terror Gulf1:75,000
3210Plans in the South Shetland Islands1:10,000
3213Plans in Graham Land1:50,000
3462British Antarctic Survey Base Rothera1:25,000
3463Plans in Graham Land and South Shetland Islands1:10,000
3570Brabant Island to Adelaide Island1:500,000
3571Lavoisier Island to Alexander Island1:500,000
3572Brabant Island to Adelaide Island1:500,000
3575Argentine Islands and Approaches1:60,000
3577Adelaide Island South Western Approaches1:75,000
3579Rydberg Peninsula to Siple Island1:2,000,000
4063Bellingshausen Sea to Valdivia1:300,000
4907Approaches to the Antarctic Peninsula1:2,000,000

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Our comprehensive range of marine charts is available through viaEuropa as enterprise-grade OGC-compliant services, including WMTS and WMS.


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